Game logo. Typography design by Daniel Reeve, rendering by me.

The game’s app icon, a collaboration between myself and lead character artist Den Yang.

Character customization options

Early exploration for character proportions by Johannes Helgeson (left) and Den Yang (center and right.)

Final male model sheet by Den Yang.

Armor designs by Den Yang.

Sorceress armor designs by Den Yang.

Sorceress model sheet by Den Yang.

Barbarian armor designs by Cullen Brown.

In-game models done by various outsourcing studios.

Some of the creatures and enemies from the game. These are all 3D models.

The Gnolliaths (extra large gnolls), concepted by me.

The bushlings (concepted by Den Yang.)

The bushlings’ Fake Scary Monster (which was really 3 bushlings on each others’ shoulders. When you defeated this large creature, three smaller bushlings would pop out and you'd have to fight them. (concepted by Den Yang.)

The stone golem (concepted by me.)

The geckles (concepted by Cullen Brown.)

The fire and ice elemental (designed by Cullen Brown, model and texture by Gabe Jackson.)

The lightning elemental (designed by Cullen Brown, 3D by Jay Doherty)
and an Ogre shield-bearer (design by Den Yang, 3D by outsourcing.)

Weapons from the game. The axes on the left were by Den Yang, and the ones on the right were by me.

Axes by David McNeal.

Hammers by Cullen Brown.

Scimitars and blades by me.

3D models by Danny Pierce.
As you wandered the world and fought battles, you would collect spirits, both of creatures and of fallen warriors of various races. The game launched with several hundred spirits which could be evolved to more powerful versions. The spirits were all concepted internally, and I managed all final illustration outsourcing at two different external art houses.

Some of the collectible spirits in the game. These were Grubbins, designed by Cullen Brown.

Felis archer by Cullen Brown.

Lord Wampafu concept by Den Yang.

Void Walker, concept by Den Yang, rendering by Atomhawk Design.

Succubus, concept by Den Yang, rendering by Atomhawk Design.

Spirit concepts by Den Yang, rendering by Atomhawk Design.

The starting town of Windholme. Concepts by David McNeal & Jordan Louie.

Windholme concepts by David McNeal.

Windholme in-game 3D environment by Dmitri Ellingson & Danny Pierce.

Gnoll forest huts, concept by David McNeal.

Gnoll forest 3D by Dmitri Ellingson & Danny Pierce.

Gnoll forest 3D by Dmitri Ellingson & Danny Pierce.

Crypts concept by David McNeal.

Crypts: Concept by David McNeal, 3D by Paul Nelson.

The alpine fortress, which does not appear in the final game. Concept by Cullen Brown.

The alpine fortress, 3D by Pete Hanshaw.

Fire caves.

The Badlands, concepts by Cullen Brown.

The World Map, concept by Jordan Louie, 3D by Dmitri Ellingson, Danny Pierce, and Paul Nelson.

The traversable world was composed of blended hex tiles like these.

The tiles all corresponded to 2d art so that you could also see a zoomed-out world map, artwork by Jordan Louie.