SuperBlast title screen with characters and logo.

Game screenshots: Basic instructions and some early game power-ups in use.

Game screenshots: More powerful effects (gained by triggering multiple adjacent power-ups) and the start of the game’s Bonus Mode where we leave the Arena and soar up into the sky.

Game screenshots: This is the Bonus Mode, where the player has cleared all red, green and blue tiles and the game adds high-scoring Silver tiles onto the board.

‘How to Play’ tutorial.

Some of the game’s UI screens.

Some iteration on the look and feel of the Game Summary screen, drawing upon sports stats graphics for inspiration.

Iteration on the game characters’ eSports uniform designs.

An early version of the eSports team characters who greet you in the game. The more realistic rendering style didn’t test well so we ended up pivoting to a more stylized approach.

These were the final characters as they appeared in-game, the less rendered style ultimately giving the characters more appeal to our players.

Concept exploration for the game app icon, along with the final choice.

Ideas for the game’s logo.