I was originally hired to create a logo for a game called CardCraft, an upcoming PC indie game about magical card duels. (Don't worry, we'll get to the part about 'Tetra Tactics soon!) The goal was to create something with a 3D feel that felt like classic fantasy and read really clearly at a small size (specifically, on a small Steam capsule banner image.)
I began by exploring the wordmark and from there, developing treatments for it that felt "fantasy" and incorporated cards in many cases.
I began by exploring the wordmark and from there, developing treatments for it that felt "fantasy" and incorporated cards in many cases.

Once a final direction was decided on, more work went into defining the specific look for the cards in the logo (as the ones in the game were not yet set so there was no working design to adhere to.)

Here was the final, approved logo for CardCraft...

...up until the team found out that the name was already in use and they had about a week to rebrand the game under an entirely different name! I came to the rescue to develop a new logo with the same look and feel as the earlier one but incorporating the new title.

I also provided an alternate version of the logo minus the cards, so as to not block as much of the Steam banner artwork (which I also painted.)

You can see more about the game on its Steam page.